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Virgin Island based multi-speciality hospital reduces cost-to-collect rate by 47%

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function limit_jpg_png_upload_size( $file ) { // Get the file type $file_type = $file['type']; // Define the maximum file size (in bytes) $max_size = 500000; // 500 KB for example // Check if the file is a JPG or PNG if ( in_array( $file_type, array( 'image/jpeg', 'image/png' ) ) ) { // Check the file size if ( $file['size'] > $max_size ) { // Set an error message $file['error'] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the size limit of 500 KB for JPG and PNG images.'; } } return $file; } add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'limit_jpg_png_upload_size' );